Choose one of our Complete Mission Ventures and imagine your team serving in one of these places

ventures_trips_the48The 48: Youthmark-trained teams have served in literally hundreds of communities throughout America. Small-town ministries provide an amazing opportunity for your teens to grow spiritually, especially through peer-to-peer evangelism and discipleship opportunities. Urban environments take on a more service-oriented slant leading to opportunities to share Christ through a variety of settings.


ventures_trips_costaricaCosta Rica: Serving with YWAM Nicoya, your team will play a key role in assisting Costa Rican nationals to reach their own people with the Gospel (Mission51!). Ministry opportunities include Bible distribution, projects in impoverished areas, teaching English in public schools, and encouraging fellow believers in this beautiful Central America nation!


ventures_trips_mexicoBelize & Baja: You’ll get the full advantage of Youthmark’s alliance with Verge—a powerful combination of Youthmark’s training to get your team ready and Verge’s on-the-field guidance. Your team will do home and school construction projects, serve in churches and an orphanage and reach people who don’t know Jesus.

ventures_trips_nationsAll The Nations! (Individuals or Teams): Through our strategic partnership with Youth Missions International your venture may be to one of five different continents where you can serve through Sports Outreach, English training, food distribution, construction projects and much more!